What is Laser Hair Removal?
By using pulses of laser light we can damage the hair follicle for permanent hair reduction. Unlike other methods, such as waxing and shaving, laser hair removal can offer long-lasting results for ALL skin types. The hair will become finer and softer becoming less visible and the growth will slow down more and more with each treatment.
The built-in IceTip technology allows for even more comfort for clients, especially when treating an area with lots of dense and dark hair. This technology can reach temperatures of -8°C for extra comfortable treatments.
The number of sessions required varies from client to client and depends on many factors. However, as a guideline, it is always recommended to complete a course of at least six sessions per treatment area.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Asirox Evolve Benefits
The Evolve system can alter established parameters (fluence, pulse duration and repetition rate) to make personalised treatments according to each patients needs.
Using ePulse Technology, only the necessary energy is required to remove the hair with one single pulse.
Using Icetip Technology, the tip temperature is reduced to -8C for safer and more comfortable treatment.
Approved and used by the NHS.